Venice is settled right in the middle of the western and eastern
ancient empires so it was the perfect spot for merchants to set their bases. This was the most
important sea port in the Mediterranean sea for centuries. They traded wood, spices, slaves, glass,
wine, everything… But the first good traded by venetians was salt as they were surrounded by it
and it was very valued by all empires, salt was not only used to trade but also to pay for a
product or service. In fact the word salary comes from the word salt.
Trading was so big in Venice that by the year 697, 12 big families of merchants founded the
Republic of Venice. They used to meet in the Doge's Palace under the name of the Council of two
thousand as it was formed by two thousand people who took all the decisions in the city.
They needed to be elected by the citizens and similar to what
still happens in some countries today, they could buy the people's vote. For example, rich
people used to offer accommodation and work to poor people in the city in exchange for their
In the picture above you can see the church of Saint Mary of the Lily,but try to find
the Virgin Mary anywhere in the facade, she's simply not there. Actually, all the statues on the
facade are members of the same family, the Barbaro family, in fact, you can see the head of the
family right in the middle of the facade, Antonio Barbaro who ordered this church to be built. In
Venice, you couldn't build a statue of yourself in a public space even if you had lots of money
so rich families built churches to be gain the right to put statues of themselves so their name was
remembered after their death.
This is one stops of our WalkingTours App. If you want to take the whole historic tour of Venice download our iOS or Android app
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