Bootstrap’s cards provide a flexible and extensible content container with multiple variants and options. Read Bootstrap documentation
img.card-img-top(alt='Photo' src='/images/photos/1200x800/5.jpg')
.text-muted March 14, 2021
a.h5.text-dark.stretched-link(href="#") How to make a theme Replacer is the modern and powerful theme for making landing pages on Bootstrap 4. You may customize
.d-flex.align-items-center'Photo' src='/images/people/1.jpg', height="32")
span.initialism.text-muted Maria Brooke
<div class="card rounded-lg overflow-hidden hvr-float">
<img alt="Photo" class="card-img-top" src="/images/photos/1200x800/5.jpg">
<div class="card-body px-5 pt-4">
<div class="mt-2 mb-3 d-inline d-flex align-items-center small">
<i class="far fa-clock mr-2 text-muted"></i>
<div class="text-muted">March 14, 2021</div>
<a class="h5 text-dark stretched-link" href="#">
How to make a theme </a>
<p class="text-muted my-2">
Replacer is the modern and powerful theme for making landing pages on Bootstrap 4. You may customize
<div class="card-footer text-muted bg-white border-0 pb-4 rounded-lg px-5">
<hr class="mb-4 mt-0">
<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
<img alt="Photo" class="rounded-circle my-auto mr-3" src="/images/people/1.jpg" height="32">
<span class="initialism text-muted">Maria Brooke</span>
March 14, 2021
Replacer is the modern and powerful theme for making landing pages on Bootstrap 4. You may customize
Visit Bootstrap documentation to learn more about this component
Version 2.0.0, [email protected]